The USA Branch Executive Committee met on December 9, 2019 to adopt new rules governing the appointment and operation of committees. These new rules were adopted pursuant to section 5(i) of the Branch Constitution and Rules and establish four standing committees to support the Executive Committee in managing branch affairs:
- Membership
- Education and Continuing Professional Development
- External Affairs
- Awards and Recognition
In addition, the Executive Committee created an ad hoc committee on the branch Constitution and Rules (Bylaws). President Richard Balmer, CFO, MIFireE also appointed a chair for the ad hoc committee on nominations and elections pursuant to section 5(d) of the Branch Constitution and Rules.
The new committee chairs assume their duties immediately and will serve in their positions through the 2020 Annual General Meeting in April. The newly appointed-chairs are
- Membership -- Bill Peterson, CEM, CFIFireE
- Education and Continuing Professional Development -- Randall Hanifen, PhD, FIFireE
- External Affairs -- Paul Brooks, CFO, MIFireE
- Awards and Recognition -- Phil Stittleburg, JD, FIFireE
- Constitution & Rules -- John Rukavina, JD, FIFireE
- Nominations & Elections -- Anthony Apfelbeck, FIFireE
The new policies affirm the Executive Committee's intention for all standing committee chairs to serve with the Executive Committee on an expanded board of directors for the purpose of branch governance. The committee chairs serve in an ex officio capacity without voting rights but may otherwise participate in all discussions and deliberations of the board regarding any matters not reserved to the Executive Committee or conducted in executive session.
In addition to establishing these committees and appointing chairs, the Executive Committee also made the following appointments in accordance with section 5(g) of the Constitution and Rules for members to serve as liaisons of the branch to external organizations through the 2020 Annual General Meeting:
- Liaison to the IAFC Company Officer Section -- Randal Hanifen, PhD, FIFireE
- Liaison to the IAFC Safety, Health, and Survival Section and Fire Industry Educational Resource Organization -- Bruce Varner, CFIFireE
- Liaison to the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation and National Volunteer Fire Council -- Phil Stittleburg, JD, FIFireE
The board dis-established all other previously approved appointments, including liaisons to Vision 20/20. Vice President Nathan Trauernicht will serve as the branch liaison to Vision 20/20 in accordance with section 5(f) of the Constitution and Rules.
Mr John Granby, vice president of government affairs for Lion Uniform, was also appointed a non-voting member of the board of directors to serve as a industry relations and development liaison. In this capacity, Mr Granby will work with the board to form partnerships with companies and organizations across the fire industry to promote joint aims consistent with the vision, mission, and values of the Institution of Fire Engineers.
Copies of the new policies and the motions adopting them are posted in the Documents section of the branch website at
New Policies Governing Committees and Liaisons Adopted 12/9/2019.